5 Natural And Complementary Therapies For Amyloidosis
By Catherine M, Staff Editor
Last Updated on August 25th, 2023 / Published on May 2, 2023

After you are diagnosed with amyloidosis, you should first get proper medical treatment to prevent its progression. However, your treatment doesn’t have to be restricted to conventional options. There are plenty of natural and complementary therapies available that can help relieve the symptoms of this condition. Let’s take a look at them.
Fatigue and weakness are the two common symptoms of amyloidosis. This may demotivate you to exercise or even engage in easy activities. While high-intensity workouts, due to cardiac symptoms, are out of the question, you can always try tai chi, yoga, and walking, to improve movement in your body. Making these low-intensity workouts a part of your everyday routine can help fight fatigue, pain, and also boost your mood. If you are unsure of what to try, consult your doctor to know your options and choose something that suits your lifestyle the best.
Low-sodium diet
Reducing the intake of sodium in your meals can help ease any swelling caused by fluid accumulation in your body. When amyloidosis affects the body, the kidney function might get disrupted, which leads to the protein not being absorbed efficiently. Likewise, the heart might have problems pumping blood. As a result, the lower body (the legs and feet) might get swollen. Consuming too much salt in your diet can deteriorate this condition. To protect the heart and kidney from further damage, it is recommended that you follow a low-sodium diet.
Sleep therapy
The feeling of fatigue during the day can cause one to stay up at night, ruining their sleep pattern. Insomnia can make fatigue worse during the day and cause pain and discomfort during the night. To break this vicious cycle, look for a sleep therapist to help you get a good night’s sleep. Generally, CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) is used to alleviate insomnia. You can also try meditation and deep breathing exercises before your bedtime.
Foot massage
Pain and swelling in your feet can make you irritable and might also cause trouble sleeping. When this happens, a foot massage could help. It enhances blood circulation and that lessens any discomfort. If you don’t like other people touching your feet, you can either massage your feet yourself or get a foot massager. Ideally, you should massage your feet before bedtime, so that you sleep better.
Dietary changes
At the moment, there is no specific diet recommended for amyloidosis. However, following a diet that is wholesome and balanced helps. In general, you should consume foods that contain fruits, vegetables, fiber, lean proteins, and healthy fats. If you are experiencing any digestive issues, make it a point to avoid alcohol, spices, and coffee as they can aggravate any gastrointestinal symptoms. Alcohol, particularly, should be avoided as it could harm the kidneys.
Some research also concluded that the polyphenols in tea can possibly prevent protein aggregation and deposition when consumed regularly. More studies are underway to gather more evidence demonstrating any additional benefits.
Certain symptoms like a swollen tongue, loss of appetite, and gut problems could keep the body from receiving adequate nutrition, eventually leading to severe weight loss and malnutrition. If you find yourself having any of these symptoms, ask your doctor for meal replacement milkshakes and smoothies to help you maintain your energy until the symptoms are resolved or under control.
Always consult a doctor before you make any changes to your lifestyle, as it could affect your health. Moreover, the doctor will ensure that it doesn’t affect your on-going medical treatment.