6 Power Yoga Asanas That Aid In Weight Loss
By Catherine M, Staff Editor
Last Updated on March 6th, 2023 / Published on October 26, 2018

6 power yoga asanas that aid in weight loss
More than half the population in the world is struggling with weight issues. Being on the heavier side of the scale can put you at the risk of developing a number of chronic illnesses, and managing these tends to be a difficult feat. Though there are numerous reasons why one can gain weight—genetic predisposition, depression, stress, medication, bad diet—there are several ways for you to attain your ideal weight goal. Usually, people reluctantly get a gym membership though they aren’t too comfortable with the gym workouts, or they might choose running or jogging as the physical activity of their choice.
It is common knowledge that running and jogging are great cardio exercises, but you need something more than that to lose weight the right way. This is where power yoga steps in; power yoga is an upgraded, more effective version of regular yoga. In fact, power yoga is also known as gym yoga, as it incorporates and combines several gym workouts with the traditional yoga poses, thereby, making the physical activity more effective.
Power yoga is a great way of losing weight, and you won’t have to undergo strenuous exercises that involve lifting weights. So, if you are keen on giving power yoga a chance, then read on to learn more about the best power yoga poses (asanas) for weight loss.
Plank (Phalakasana)
Plank is one of the most difficult exercises one can perform. In fact, holding the plank position for a whole minute is quite an achievement for beginners. The plank pose is one of the basic poses that can strengthen your arms, legs, shoulders, and most importantly, your core muscles. You need to start with the basic plank poses to start your weight loss journey, and then you can increase the difficulty level when you get better at the basic plank.
Side Plank (Vasisthasana)
This is a variation of the plank pose and targets other areas. Practicing the side plank pose regularly is instrumental in strengthening your shoulders and wrists. It even strengthens the core muscles and helps the legs in maintaining balance. You have to keep your legs together and extend your arms while looking up. This posture will help your muscle grow and burn more calories.
Dolphin Pose (Ardha Pincha Mayurasana)
The dolphin pose is also one of the most difficult poses of power yoga that you can perform only if you practice it consistently. It is essential to practice the simpler variations of this asana before you can actually get the pose correct. The dolphin pose is one of the advanced inversions which is extremely effective in strengthening the arms and shoulders. Moreover, the dolphin pose can improve circulation, and increases your confidence as well as the ability to focus.
Warrior I Pose (Virabhadrasana) and Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)
This power yoga pose benefits the back and leg muscles immensely. Though this power yoga pose might come across as quite simple, the real challenge is in holding the pose. The warrior I pose helps in strengthening your core muscles and promotes weight loss. Moreover, you will have to practice this pose as it is the foundation for all the standing poses. The warrior II pose is another variation of the former pose and has to be practiced every day in combination with the first posture which is the basic one.
Lord Shiva Pose (Natrajasana)
This power yoga pose is the best way to perfect your sense of balance and lose weight at the same time. You will have to balance your body weight on one leg. This power yoga also improves your concentration levels and strengthens the abdominals, thighs, and chest while it simultaneously helps you lose weight and increase your body’s flexibility.
Boat Pose (Navasana)
Remember the V-sit from one of the gym exercises? The boat pose is somewhat similar to the V-sit. Though this power yoga pose will test your strength, it has the ability to increase your arm, legs, shoulder, and core muscle strength. You might not be able to get this pose right in the very beginning, but with regular practice, you will soon excel at holding this pose. Moreover, while you are at it, ensure that you contract your abdominals as much as possible so that you can bid adieu to the tummy tires.