5 Useful Self-Care Tips To Be A Kickass Single Mom
By Catherine M, Staff Editor
Last Updated on March 6th, 2023 / Published on September 17, 2018

5 useful self-care tips to be a kickass single mom
Being a single mom is not as easy and fun as Lorelai Gilmore will have us believe in the comedy-drama series “Gilmore Girls.” For single mothers, real life can be quite unnerving. Juggling between work and home, and managing multiple responsibilities single-handedly barely leaves any time for self-care. It has been observed that there is a strong connection between the well-being of children and that of their parents. When children see their parents managing themselves well, it becomes easier for these children to cope with any given situation too. A healthy single parent is better equipped to handle whatever curveball parenthood throws at them. Here are a few ways in which a single mom can take care of her physical, psychological, and emotional well-being.
Eat good food
Good food does not mean exotic or overly decadent food. Here, good food implies healthy food. A healthy diet can help single moms stay energized through the day. Often single moms tend to overlook what they eat as they juggle between work and home. Eating proper and healthy food takes a back seat. However, these unhealthy habits can negatively affect one’s health in the long run. It is important to include foods from all the essential food groups in one’s diet such as whole grains, dairy, legumes, poultry, fruits, and vegetables. Besides, it is also important to regulate meal portions. Refrain from eating too little in one meal as this will lead to binge eating sessions later in the day. Avoid skipping meals, especially breakfast.
Move around
Mothers, single or otherwise, are accustomed to moving around a lot when they have toddlers and young children. As their children become older and more independent, a mother’s physical activities decline too. It is important to note that a sedentary lifestyle with minimal physical activities can increase the risk of health problems. Women are a high-risk group when it comes to health conditions related to the bones and spine. Hence, it is vital to make time for physical activities every day. Besides, exercise helps in balancing one’s mood and maintaining a positive state of mind. Pencil in at least 30 minutes of walking, jogging, swimming, aerobics, cycling, yoga, or any activity with the children that will work and stretch those bones and muscles. In case it becomes difficult to find the time, especially for exercising, fit in some physical activities in the daily routine. These can include taking the stairs instead of the elevator, vacuuming, walking rather than hailing a cab, and doing household chores.
Don’t forget to take breaks
Being a mother is exhausting, but single moms face double the exhaustion levels. Single mothers often tend to give all their time to their children’s needs and their job demands. Although it is essential to prioritize one’s career and children, it is equally important to take time out for oneself. The constant grind of everyday life can easily cause burn out, which can affect a mother’s physical as well as mental health. Taking regular breaks can be reinvigorating, and help to recharge those sore muscles and tired mind. Try to take some time off during the day. Take a power nap, meditate, listen to music or a podcast, read a book or blog, or catch up with a friend on the phone.
Stay connected to feel supported
As a single mother, juggling multiple responsibilities can be quite overwhelming which can leave barely any time to socialize. The lack of a social life or even the lack of close friends and family can lead to a feeling of alienation, especially during those days when everything seems to go the wrong way. Keeping in touch and staying connected with others can give a single mom some much-needed support and care. In the case of emergencies or whenever one needs a break, they can rely on a network of close friends and family. Some mothers find it helpful to join support groups of single moms or single parents.
Pursue hobbies or any relaxing activity
There is a misconception that when a single mom makes time for herself, she is acting selfishly. However, having some alone time for oneself is an essential human need, irrespective of whether one is a single mom or not. Doing the things that one loves during this time of solitude helps to unwind and stay motivated to go through the rest of the day or week. A little bit of healthy distraction achieved through hobbies or any relaxing activity can help single moms manage their stress levels and alleviate anxiety to a great extent.
Tags: being a single mom