6 Incredible Benefits Of Prenatal Massage | HealthAccess.com
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6 Incredible Benefits Of Prenatal Massage

By , Staff Editor

Last Updated on March 6th, 2023 / Published on October 26, 2018

6 Incredible Benefits Of Prenatal Massage

6 incredible benefits of prenatal massage

Pregnancy is a phase of life that is an amalgamation of several emotions, with worry and happiness being the prime emotions at play. In fact, confusion and bewilderment are also some of the major emotions that expecting mothers experience. This happens due to the contradicting pieces of advice offered by different parenting magazines, incredibly smart relatives, expecting mothers who are celebrities, and the Internet. In such cases, it becomes difficult for the expecting mother to determine what’s good for her and her baby’s health.

One such practice that has been received mixed reactions since times unknown is the prenatal massage. According to old wives tales, prenatal massage is instrumental in easing the pain during childbirth, whereas, there are certain articles on the Internet that dismisses these claims. However, several scientific studies have brought the benefits of prenatal massage to the limelight and these are hard to ignore.

Read on to learn more about how expecting mothers benefit from prenatal massage.

Regulates the hormones
It is common knowledge that during pregnancy, the hormones keep raging. This can make things quite difficult for expecting mothers as they experience severe mood swings and it elevates the stress levels. Prenatal massage has the ability to alter the hormones that control the stress and relaxation levels. Regular prenatal massage is known to reduce the secretion of norepinephrine and cortisol, which are the stress hormones, and increases the levels of dopamine and serotonin that can help in combating depression.

Improves nerve pain
During pregnancy, especially during the end of the gestational period, women experience sciatic nerve pain as the uterus rests on the muscles of the lower back and the pelvic floor. This pressure of the uterus on the muscles can create tension in the muscles of the upper and lower leg, thereby, causing them to swell and exert pressure on the adjacent nerves. Prenatal massage is known to soothe the inflamed nerves by facilitating the release of the pressure on the nearby muscles. Women who opted for prenatal massage experienced reduced sciatic nerve pain through their pregnancy.

Gets rid of common discomforts
During pregnancy, the body undergoes several changes. Women gain weight during pregnancy and the baby bump keeps increasing. This increasing baby bump can cause several health problems like lower-back pain, upper-back pain, sciatica, stiffness, headaches, heartburn, acid reflux, fatigue, and the list is endless. Prenatal massage is quite effective in relieving these common discomforts that women experience during pregnancy. In fact, prenatal massage can even prove to be effective in curbing the effects of shortness of breath, edema of the lower extremities, interscapular pain, hip joint pain, and constipation.

Enhances the mother’s immunity

Prenatal massage is known to increase blood circulation, thereby providing more oxygen and nutrients to the mother and the baby. An increased blood circulation stimulates the lymphatic system, which enhances the mother’s immunity since toxins are removed during this process.

Promotes heart health
The body places more demands for blood on the circulatory system during pregnancy, which is why the blood volume can increase up to 60 percent in comparison to the pre-pregnancy levels. When the pregnancy progresses, the uterus keeps growing and presses deep into the pelvic bowl and the return of blood to the heart is hampered in the process. This is where prenatal massage comes to the rescue; it supports the return of the blood to the heart and regulates the blood flow to the placenta and uterus.

Helps in maintaining a good posture
As the baby bump gets bigger, more pressure is exerted on the lower-back and upper-back muscles, and unknowingly you will soon start slouching and walking. In such cases, prenatal massage is a blessing in disguise as it helps in maintaining a good posture and can help you adjust to the changing alignment caused by the baby’s increasing weight. Moreover, prenatal massage can also enhance muscle tone and improve flexibility, which will allow you to carry the extra weight without experiencing excruciating pain.

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Written By
Catherine M

Staff Editor
Written By

Staff Editor
  • Catherine is an experienced and passionate wellness expert with a focus on food and nutrition, fitness, sexual and women's wellness. She is leading the editorial strategy for HealthAccess and ensures that our content meets highest quality standards as per our editorial guidelines
  • In addition to her professional work, she is an avid fitness enthusiast and loves to cook healthy meals in her spare time.

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