Eleven Ways To Prevent Muscle Pain
By Catherine M, Staff Editor
Last Updated on March 6th, 2023 / Published on February 20, 2018

Muscle pain can be caused due to various reasons. One cannot prevent muscle pain all the time, but certain precautions can always be taken. Below are some ways to prevent muscle pain:
- Stretch to strengthen
When you give the muscles all the care that they need, you don’t need to worry about muscle pain. However, if you neglect them and don’t take proper care, cramps and muscle pains are bound to happen. Simple stretching exercises are the best way to prevent muscle pain. Incorporating regular stretching exercises in day-to-day life is great for your muscles. Simple stretching exercises will be great for your muscles in the long term. - Use the steps
Stand on the bottom step of the staircase and holding the railing for balance in order to stretch your calves. Ensure that you move one foot back so that the ball of the foot is at the edge of the step. It also ensures that your heels hang at the back. With both your knees slightly bent, drop your heel below the step. You will feel a stretch in the back of your lower leg. Hold this position for about thirty seconds then switch legs. - Sleep on your sides
When you sleep on your stomach, and your legs are straight out, and your calves are flexed, your chances to get cramps increases. The best way to avoid muscle pain because of wrong sleeping posture is to sleep on your side with knee bend upwards and keep a pillow between them. - Build up your tolerance
This means that never overdo your intensity. Stretch your limits but be realistic about it. Don’t jump and take a huge step. Always go step-by-step and follow with discipline. For example, while lifting weights don’t switch from 2 kgs to 10 kgs directly. First, try 3kgs then switch to 5kgs then follow the direction and then do 10 kgs when you are prepared for it. Stretching boundaries unrealistically is also a cause of muscle pain. - Consume vitamin C
Vitamin C which is also known as citric acid is known to prevent muscle pain and soreness. Try incorporating citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, guavas, chili peppers, etc. in your diet. - Cut down on alcohol
There are pieces by researchers that suggest drinking more than one or two drinks after a workout reduces the body’s ability to recover. After your workout, the recovery process of your muscles start. This can be hampered if more than two drinks are consumed. This will thereby increase the chances of muscle pain. - Take a break
If you continue to sit in the same position for a long time, the tendency for your muscles to get sore increases. Same applies to a workout. In any case, it is recommended to nap or simply relax for about two hours. When you do this, your body enters into a retroactive state of sleep. It releases the growth hormone and speeds up your process to heal the muscle pain and soreness if any. - Lose weight
If muscle pain and sore muscle have become a chronic problem, the additional weight that you are asking your muscles to move is to be blamed partially. Get rid of the extra pound by changing your diet and adopting exercise as a part of your life. This helps a lot to prevent muscle pain. - Balance out your statin medications
To lower their cholesterol, people consume medications known as statins. Consuming statin can lead to lowering the production of the coenzyme CoQ10 in your body naturally. This tends to increase your pain and hence, you become more prone to muscle pain. So, if you want to prevent your muscle pain, you should balance out your statin medications. In case, you want to know more about this; it is essential to consult your doctor. - Have an active lifestyle
When you sit at one place for a long period of time, whether you are glued to the television or sitting in front of the computers for hours, you are more prone to get cramps. Move once at least in every one hour and get up and move around. This helps to keep your blood flowing and also helps to loosen up your muscles. - Hydration is the key
One of the biggest contributions to cramps is dehydration. There is a reason why people say to keep yourself hydrated before, after and during a physical activity especially. Drinking enough water tends to flush out all the toxins that are trapped in your muscles. When you are dehydrated, your muscles become tight and have the tendency to get injured quite easily.