Non Surgical Treatments For Managing Lower Back Pain
By Catherine M, Staff Editor
Last Updated on March 6th, 2023 / Published on February 20, 2018

There are a number of nonsurgical treatments for lower back pain that will nurse you back to health in no time! These treatments are cost-effective with a comparatively shorter recovery period as opposed to surgical procedures.
Here are common treatments for managing lower back pain.
Muscle relaxants
Muscle relaxants increase the mobility of the tense muscles, which in turn relieves pain caused due to spasms or muscle pull. It influences the central nervous system to manage the neural impulses transmitted back and forth to control movements.
Pain medications
A number of narcotic or opioid pain medications prove effective in treating and managing lower back pain. These painkillers have the ability to alter your perception of pain by weakening the signals and impulses sent to the brain. Often used to relieve short-term pain post surgery, they are rarely used or recommended for chronic pain relief. Narcotics are a class of medications which can get very addictive, which is why prescriptions are for treating short-term acute pain mainly.
Steroid injections
One of the effective treatment options for lower back pain, steroid injections are administered directly to the affected area, mostly surrounding the spinal cord of the lower back area. Fluoroscopy is the process used to guide the needle precisely to inject the steroids effectively for maximum relief. Inflammation happens to be one of the many leading causes of lower back pain which is why these epidural steroid injections are used to reduce the stiffness and pain caused.
Back Braces
Braces are generally used post surgery to provide the much-needed support for the stable movement. Back braces are comfortable and provide relief from post-surgery stress, both which can be physically and mentally daunting on your body and mind. A special inelastic corset style back braces help in managing lower back pain. Physical therapies and a number of exercises form part of this treatment which will gradually nurse you back to health provided the back brace is worn on a daily basis.
Massage therapy
When it comes to physical therapies for managing lower back pain, massage therapy proves to be effective. Inflammation and spasming the muscle is one of the leading symptoms of lower back pain which causes stiffness in the surrounding area, thus limiting movement. Massaging generates heat which in turn stimulate the stiff muscles to relax the affected area, and increase blood and oxygen supply to repair the damaged muscles. Going for massage therapy a couple of times in a week will speed up the healing process along with a combination of prescription medications, over the counter drugs and self-care remedies to provide maximum relief.
Acupuncture is ancient Chinese therapy for managing the varied symptoms of lower back pain, which has also proved to provide significant pain relief. Thin needles are placed at precise and vital points in your body to stimulate what is known as ‘qi.’ pertaining to the ancient procedure. ‘Qi’ is considered as the life force and a balanced life force decreases pain and discomfort caused due to multiple medical conditions, lower back pain being one of them.
Physical therapy
This is completely different from massage therapy and one of the treatments when it comes to treating lower back pain. A professional healthcare provider known as a chiropractor makes adjustments to the spine through a series of external manipulations and hand movements, similar to a massage. However, these manipulations improve spinal cord mobility and reduce the stiffness which is caused due to lower back pain. Manual manipulation is not necessarily one of the most sought-after treatments since it can provide only temporary relief from some of the symptoms of lower back pain. Also, frequent visits to the chiropractor’s office also will take a heavy hit on your finances, compared to over cost-effective self-care and medicine based remedies.
Medication is a dual therapy which provides physical and mental relief from known symptoms of lower back pain. Chronic pain can also lead to associated symptoms like depression, anxiety, and sleep problems which is where meditation proves to be effective. Deep breathing exercises in particular when it comes to meditation will help reduce the pain and provide relief from stretched muscles, boosting oxygen supply.
Heat and ice therapy
One of the simplest self-care remedies when it comes to treatments for lower back pain. While ice packs are used to reduce the swelling, alternating the same with heat therapy will stimulate and relax the muscle which in turn will boost oxygen supply. Heat therapy will also ensure proper blood supply to the affected area. Repeating the procedures a few times during the day will restore normal movement in a couple of days.